Tag Archives: Cryers

Four Types of People I Make Fun of but Secretly Respect

The Cryers: These are the ones that can’t make it through an All State commercial, let alone a Goo Goo Dolls song, without shedding a few tears. I’ve been known to roll my eyes at this, but here’s the thing – I really think their unashamed emotion is brave. It’s raw. Despite how weak it may seem to cry at the end of the The Notebook, it really shows empathy. And not much is braver than trusting the world with a soft heart. Keep on keepin’ on, cryers.

Football Fanatics: This weekend, I overheard my boyfriend and his roommates tell each other the predicted temperature for the week in football players’ jersey numbers – some sort of code, I imagine.  I’m terribly impressed at the amount of details football fans know about players’ stats, personal life and athletic history. They may be prepping themselves to become that old man at the bar talking sports, but I say bravo to their research and dedication.

Basic Eaters: Some days I can’t imagine my life before I knew about avocadoes or organic milk. Again though, there is a secret place in my heart for the cold-cut sandwich lovers, Cheerios fans, and those that just can’t get enough Hamburger Helper. I picture my dad (and his dad) taking breaks at the steel mill, opening up their lunch bag and ripping into a chip-chopped ham and swiss sandwich and washing it down with a black coffee. I’m over here like – “How much sugar is in this yogurt? Ugh!”

Anyone Actually Pulling Off Outrageous Clothing Styles: Half the styles I see on runway shows are furry and pleated in all kinds of strange ways. But to those every-day ladies and gentlemen that wake up and rock those yellow heels, fur vest, bright lipstick, or jacket with the confident elbow patches, I applaud you. I wish I could wear those yellow heels without feeling like some sort of hooker-clown.
