Tag Archives: presence

The Runaround

I can’t tell you how many days I spend my time doing one thing while thinking about how I’m going to prepare for the next.

This month, I’m learning to be present.

It’s easy to get in the flow of nonstop activity, as I’m sure you know. A friend asks you to catch up over drinks; you sign up for an exercise class; you need to get groceries…and before you know it, you’re running around from 8 am to 9 pm. And ultimately, I worry that I’m not offering enough of my attention to each of these things.  With a bit more attentiveness, I might not forget to pick up chicken for the third time, or a co-worker and I might have a solid conversation at the coffee station that changes the whole tone of their day.  I fear I might be missing moments.

I read a Pinterest quote once (yes, these can hold a bit of wisdom from time to time, believe it or not) that said:

“Stop the glorification of busy.”

I love that idea. And I find it to be a challenge, especially at work.  My team and I have an average of 5 meetings a day, attempting to tackle our ever-accumulating email inboxes all the while (and keep a smile on!).  As a person who enjoys feeling accomplished at the end of the day, I’m not saying a busy day is a bad one, rather I think it could truly benefit us all to take our time with both our tasks and our interactions.

After all, the quality of our lives is so important. And it’s the little things and simple moments that bond us, and I think there is success in that.
